About Me

just a simple guy in your neighborhood, not tall, not short, malay, islam, and kinda shy2 a bit... :P

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Assalammualaikum!! n heyyaa!! Im back my frenz(i know there is not much but at least) it seems im way to long leavin my blog as for the laziness of my attitude that leave my idea into dumpster... (yeah2 u can say that im making an excuses... daaa)

ok2, here what im about to say... im going to start all over on this blog, i mean really... its time :)

this blog would be a blog about comments(positive or negative) to anything that happen (exp: i piss off with a dumb waiter or got treat by my frenz) or should i say is just a thing that i wanna tell to people n i wanted to share with the hold world... (hei, we live in a free country now! but i still agree that we r not.. hu3..)

so, i hope to have more followers this time which they would be my best frenz as i share this to them... hope u guys enjoyed... tq n tc.

Zhaff.....always ngokngek... :D